Monday 5 January 2009

Bill Funk

Bill Funk


Ice Girl
"Image started as a portrait of my daughter. Used Photoshop's chrome filter and layer blend mode effects to get ice effect. Flames from a log fire in Portugal, icicles on head from a Kodak Instamatic shot taken 25 years ago." -Bill

Fantastic piece of work done with great detail. I find the techniques used to be inspirational.

Danielle Dixon

Danielle Dixon


feature image issue 27

They are many reason i like this image from the way the lighting on her face has been done to the frame around her head drawing you in.

Richard Turgeon


Nano age city
Wonderful effects and very imaginative. The color combination is truly stunning.

Patrik Ohlsson

Patrik Ohlsson


Aurora Borealis

done using photoshop. i find this to be one of the most intresting piece's of work i have came across.
the colours used are truly immense, From the detail of the sky to the mood of the landscape I feel this is a very successful piece.

Nikolay Nikolov

Nikolay Nikolov


"Time to go home"

A very intresting piece of work to look at.
The movment within the image itself is amazing.

Yoshitaka Ichikawa



Even though i find this peace Impressive. I don’t really find any inspiration when looking at it; it doesn’t give me the rush of ideas that tend to come when looking at other art work.

Benjamin Gell

Benjamin Gell




God Created The World.
Man Destroyed It.

Benjamin Gell is a young Graphic Designer from the north east. Using his love both Photography and Graphics, as well as illustration within his work.

When looking at Ben's work i feel a great sense of meaning and creativity behind everything he produces.